- What if the stairs collapse? 要是楼梯塌下来怎么办呢?
- What if the boy's parents should die? 如果那男孩的父母死了该怎么办呢?
- What if the arrow should not carry true? 要是这支箭射不准怎么办?
- What if the boy rs parents should die? 如果那男孩的父母死了该怎么办呢?
- What if the parachute doesn't open? 降落伞打不开怎么办?
- What if the Spurs can't stop Bryant? 要是马刺无法阻挡科比呢?
- What if the current minimum wage in the U.S? 美国现在的最低基本工资是多少?
- What if the respirator does not fit me? 如果防护口罩不适合我怎么办?
- What if the offering is not successful? 如果募集不成功怎么办?
- What if the recipient doesnt receive it? 如果收件人没有收到包裹该怎么办?
- What if the spaceship moves faster than light? 要是宇宙飞船超光速将会怎能样呢?
- But what if the IOC rejects our applications? 不过万一国际奥委会不考虑我们的申请怎么办?
- What if the wind blew in the favor of Spain? 如果风向对西班牙有利会是怎么样?
- What if the wind was on the side of Spain? 如果风向对西班牙有利,那将会怎么样?
- Even if the stairs are not collapsed by the earthquake, they may collapse later when overloaded by fleeing people. 哪怕不是由于地震而倒,还会由于蒙受过多的人群而坍塌。
- So what if the gunman was Chinese? 假如枪手是中国人又怎么样呢?
- What if the Candidates Pandered to Economists? 如果总统候选人要讨好经济学家会怎样呢?
- BBJ: But, Daddy, what if the wind stopped blowing? (小)可是,爸爸,如果风不再吹呢?
- What if the MacBook gets its FireWire port back? 可惜的是太多人只会投坏球,一个好球也投不出来,还敢上投手丘;
- So what if the little nippers don’t read? 如果这些小家伙不阅读会怎么样?